Call Girl Bangalore Kanika Jadhav
Call Girl Bangalore Kanika Jadhav
Call Girl Bangalore Kanika Jadhav
Call Girl Bangalore Kanika Jadhav
Call Girl Bangalore Kanika Jadhav
  • 24 years, Kanika jadhav | (0) | (129) viewed
  1. Hour Incall/Outcall
  2. Height/Weight
    157CM 5.15FT/56 KG
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    whatsapp - Bangalore 9627713030
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    Call - Bangalore 9627713030
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  4. Note: Charges are calculated based on the hourly rate listed above for full day or night service or longer

Beautiful and Charming Bangalore Escort Kanika

I am a cute and beautiful escort Kanika. I like men's company and sex in every way possible. I will be happy to welcome you to my luxurious nest. I like tender sex, but also harder fucking. I will be happy to fulfill all your erotic desires. I will be looking forward to your company.

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